Logging into My酴圖弝け

The My酴圖弝け portal is used to give you access to your email, Moodle, WebAdvisor, and many other items. Use these steps below to log into your My酴圖弝け account.

NOTE: While the new My酴圖弝け Portal is being rebuilt more and more features will be added as we progress into Summer 2023.  If you are having trouble finding a specific option please let us know through the Online Help Request Form and we will help you find what you need. 

  1. Navigate to the main 酴圖弝け website, www.berkshirecc.edu
  2. To get to the login page, in the upper right corner click on My酴圖弝け
    My酴圖弝け Login Link

    Note: Many mobile devices such as tablets and cell phones view a mobile version of the site. On these devices the My酴圖弝け link is located within the Menu in the upper left.

  3. Click on the Visit My酴圖弝け button to bring up the login screen
    screen shot of "My酴圖弝け" button
  4. Type your username and password into the boxes, then click the button Sign in

    Tip: Student usernames are the letter s + your Student ID, which will be mailed to you. For example, s0123456. The S can be either upper or lower case.

  5. The My酴圖弝け Portal Page will load after a successful login

    Note: The first time you log into the My酴圖弝け Portal you will be greeted with a short tutorial which you can skip through by clicking the blue buttons.