酴圖弝け STEM Week

Thank you for visiting! Details about the next STEM Week will be posted here.


bio burke

Mac Lab Language Lab

Explore the Labs

Click on a lab below to explore the virtual labs and learn more from 酴圖弝け faculty about what you'll learn and discover as a STEM student at 酴圖弝け.

Melville Hall, Second Floor

Chemisty Lab CO2 Detector Engineering Lab Dancing LEDs 3D Printer Laser Cutter Wave Simulator John Lambert Nature Trail Environmental Science

Hawthorne Hall, Second Floor

Nursing Lab Physical Therapy Classroom Micro and Biotech Lab Anatomy and Physiology Water Quality Testing Anatomage Table Biology Lab VR Tour Biology Lab Extracting DNA Mystery Cliff Swallows

SIM and Respiratory Lab Nursing Lab Physical Therapy Lab Massage Therapy Lab Micro / Biotech Lab Anatomy and Physiology Lab Biology Lab