Fall 2024

Fall 2024

The »ΖΉΟΚΣΖ΅ One Stop Enrollment Center will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Thursday, from Aug. 19 through Sept. 10.

Class Schedule

Note: Some courses require prerequisites, have special fees, or may be full.

  • Fall 2024 Class Schedule

    AHS-103-01 Nutritional Awareness Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    AHS-111-01 Intro Patient Care Skills Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    AHS-111L-01 Patient Care Skills Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    AHS-115-01 Fundamentals of Human Disease Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    AHS-115-02 Fundamentals of Human Disease Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    AHS-117-01 Surgical Technology I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    AHS-121-01 Essentials Pharmacology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    AHS-129-01 Medical Terminology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    AHS-150-01 Introduction to Nutrition Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    AHS-162-01 Form and Function of Human Body Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    AHS-230-01 Pathophysiology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    AHS-238-01 Mind/Body Theory and Methods Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ATM-110H-01 Honors: Climate Change Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-101-01 General Biology I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-101L-01 General Biology I Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-101L-02 General Biology I Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-105-01 Fundamentals of Biology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-105-02 Fundamentals of Biology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-105-03 Fundamentals of Biology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-105L-01 Fundamentals of Biology Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-105L-02 Fundamentals of Biology Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-105L-03 Fundamentals of Biology Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-105L-04 Fundamentals of Biology Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-105L-05 Fundamentals of Biology Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-105L-06 Fundamentals of Biology Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-109-01 Introductory Ecology I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-109L-01 Intro Ecology I Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-112-01 Zoology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-112L-01 Zoology Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-132-01 Biological Lab Techniques Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-136-01 Intro to Cannabis Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-150-01 Intro to the Human Body Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-175-01 Brain, Mind and Behavior Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-201-01 Anatomy and Physiology I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-201-02 Anatomy and Physiology I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-201L-01 Anatomy and Physiology I Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-201L-02 Anatomy and Physiology I Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-201L-03 Anatomy and Physiology I Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-201L-04 Anatomy and Physiology I Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-202-01 Anatomy and Physiology II Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-202-02 Anatomy and Physiology II Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-202L-01 Anatomy and Physiology II Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-202L-02 Anatomy and Physiology II Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-202L-03 Anatomy and Physiology II Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-207-01 Microbiology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-207-02 Microbiology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-207L-01 Microbiology Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-207L-02 Microbiology Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BIO-207L-03 Microbiology Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BUS-105-01 Business Mathematics Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BUS-107-01 Fundamentals of Business Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BUS-107-02 Fundamentals of Business Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BUS-107-03 Fundamentals of Business Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BUS-122-01 Comp Apps Business Analytics Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BUS-122-02 Comp Apps Business Analytics Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BUS-139-01 Personal Finance: Money Mgmt Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BUS-206-01 Principles of Management Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BUS-208-01 Principles of Marketing Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    BUS-251-01 Law for Business I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CHM-101-01 Introductory Chemistry I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CHM-101L-01 Introductory Chemistry I Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CHM-101L-02 Introductory Chemistry I Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CHM-150-01 Essentials of Chemistry Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CHM-150A-01 Essentials of Chemistry Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CHM-150L-01 Essentials of Chemistry Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CHM-201-01 Organic Chemistry I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CHM-201L-01 Organic Chemistry I Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CIS-102-01 Fundamental Computer Lit Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CIS-102-02 Fundamental Computer Lit Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CIS-110-01 IT Essentials Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CIS-110L-01 IT Essentials Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CIS-124-01 C++ Programming I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CIS-125-01 C++ Programming II Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CIS-155-01 Web Development Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CIS-218-01 Network, Security and Automation Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CIS-218L-01 Network, Security and Auto Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CIS-222-01 Introduction to Cybersecurity Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CIS-222L-01 Intro to Cybersecurity Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CIS-231-01 Computer Sci I With Java Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    COM-104-01 Intro Interpersonal Comm Sept. 17 – Dec. 19, 2024
    COM-104-02 Intro Interpersonal Comm Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    COM-104-03 Intro Interpersonal Comm Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    COM-104-04 Intro Interpersonal Comm Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    COM-104-05 Intro Interpersonal Comm Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    COM-104-A1 Intro Interpersonal Comm Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    COM-105-01 Intro Oral Communication Sept. 18 – Dec. 19, 2024
    COM-105-02 Intro Oral Communication Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    COM-107-01 Oral Comm in Business Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    COM-108-01 Intro Communication Mass Media Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CRJ-105-01 Intro to Criminal Justice Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CRJ-108-01 Drugs and Society Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CRJ-108-02 Drugs and Society Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CRJ-109-01 Police and Community Rel Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CRJ-123-01 Criminal Procedures Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CRJ-126-01 Criminal Investigation Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    CUL-101-01 Culinary Foundations I Sept. 3 – 10/18/2024
    CUL-104-01 Fundamentals of Baking Sept. 3 – 10/18/2024
    DAN-119-01 Dance I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    DAN-120-01 Dance II Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ECO-211-01 Prin of Microeconomics Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ECO-212-01 Prin of Macroeconomics Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    EDU-100-01 Child Care Health and Safety Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    EDU-100-02 Child Care Health and Safety Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    EDU-101-01 Early Child Growth and Dev Sept. 18 – Dec. 19, 2024
    EDU-101-02 Early Child Growth and Dev Sept. 18 – Dec. 19, 2024
    EDU-101-04 Early Child Growth and Dev Sept. 18 – Dec. 19, 2024
    EDU-101-05 Early Child Growth and Dev Sept. 18 – Dec. 19, 2024
    EDU-105-01 Foundations of Education Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    EDU-122-01 Special Needs Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    EDU-123-01 Early Child Ed Pract I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    EDU-124-01 Early Child Ed Seminar I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    EDU-205-01 Children's Literature Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    EDU-205-02 Children's Literature Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    EDU-215-01 Equity and Cultural Diversity Oct. 31 – Dec. 19, 2024
    EDU-215-02 Equity and Cultural Diversity Oct. 31 – Dec. 19, 2024
    EDU-223-01 Early Child Ed Pract II Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    EDU-224-01 Early Child Ed Seminar II Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    EDU-241-01 Design Curriculum: Creativity Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    EDU-241-02 Design Curriculum: Creativity Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-101-01 Composition I Sept. 16 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-101-02 Composition I Sept. 16 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-101-03 Composition I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-101-04 Composition I Sept. 18 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-101-05 Composition I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-101-06 Composition I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-101-07 Composition I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-101-08 Composition I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-101-09 Composition I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-101-10 Composition I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-101-11 Composition I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-101-12 Composition I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-101-13 Composition I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-101-14 Composition I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-101-15 Composition I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-101-16 Composition I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-102-01 Composition II Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-102-02 Composition II Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-102-03 Composition II Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-102-04 Composition II Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-102-05 Composition II Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-103-01 Honors Composition I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-116-01 Technical Writing Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-215-01 Intro to Literature Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-223-01 Creative Writing: Poetry Wkshp Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-241-01 British Literature I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-255-01 Multiethnic American Lit Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENG-297T-01 Special Topic: Science Fiction Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENT-115-01 Intro to Engineering Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENT-122-01 Intro to Computer Aided Design Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENT-152-01 Advanced Manufacturing Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENT-212-01 Statics Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENT-233-01 Digital Circuits Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENT-233L-01 Digital Circuits Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENT-235-01 Microprocessors and Circuits Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENT-238-01 Elements of Machines Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENT-238L-01 Elem of Machines Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENT-260-01 Industrial Control Syst Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENT-260L-01 Industrial Control Systems Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENT-261-01 Physics II: Elect,mag and Light Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENT-261L-01 Physics II Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENV-101-02 Conservation of Nat Res I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENV-101L-01 Conservation I Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENV-101L-02 Conservation I Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENV-127-01 Environmental Awareness Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENV-165-01 Field Methods Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENV-165L-01 Field Methods Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    ENV-182-01 Environmental Advocacy Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    FAS-111-01 Drawing I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    FAS-111-02 Drawing I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    FAS-115-01 Digital Photography Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    FAS-123-01 Two-Dimensional Design I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    FAS-124-01 Three-Dimen Design I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    FAS-136-01 Introduction to Ceramics Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    FAS-171-01 Pre-Renaissance Art Hist Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    FAS-210-01 Fundamentals of Painting Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    FAS-242-01 Digital Art Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    FIS-101-01 Prin of Emergency Services Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    FIS-128-01 Protection Systems Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    FIS-206-01 Fire Investigation I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    FIS-210-01 Prin of Fire/Emer Serv Admin Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    FIS-221-01 Fire/Emer Services Safety/Surv Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    GEY-121-01 Earth Systems Science Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    GEY-121L-01 Earth Systems Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    GOV-105-01 US Government Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    HIM-106-01 Medical Coding II Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    HIS-117-01 United States History to 1877 Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    HIS-118-01 United States Hist Since 1865 Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    HIS-121-01 World History to 1500 Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    HIS-121-02 World History to 1500 Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    HIS-121-03 World History to 1500 Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    HIS-121-04 World History to 1500 Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    HIS-122-01 World History Since 1500 Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    HON-298J-01 Honors: Knowledge Internet Age Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    HSV-104-01 Student Success and Wellness Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    HSV-111-01 Human Service Methods Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    HSV-115-01 Intro to Mental Health Worker Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    HSV-135-01 Intro Community Resources Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    HSV-151-01 Field Work Seminar I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    HSV-161-01 Field Practicum I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    HSV-210-01 Addiction Counseling Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    HSV-252-01 Field Work Seminar II Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    HSV-262-01 Field Practicum II Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    HUM-121-01 Intro to the Humanities Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    HUM-136-01 Conv American Sign Language Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    LAR-101-01 Introduction to Liberal Arts Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    LAR-285-01 Liberal Arts Capstone Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    LPN-142-01 Health Maintenance Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    LPN-142C-01 Health Maintenance Clinical Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    LPN-142C-02 Health Maintenance Clinical Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    LPN-142C-03 Health Maintenance Clinical Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    LPN-142C-04 Health Maintenance Clinical Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    LPN-142C-05 Health Maintenance Clinical Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    LPN-142L-01 Health Maintenance Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    LPN-142L-02 Health Maintenance Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    LPN-142L-03 Health Maintenance Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    LPN-142L-04 Health Maintenance Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    LPN-142L-05 Health Maintenance Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    LPN-142L-06 Health Maintenance Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MAT-018-01 Pre-Algebra Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MAT-028-01 Elementary Algebra I-III Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MAT-028-02 Elementary Algebra I-III Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MAT-029-01 Elementary Algebra IV-VI Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MAT-102-01 College Algebra Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MAT-102-02 College Algebra Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MAT-102-03 College Algebra Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MAT-113-01 Introductory Topics in Math Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MAT-113-02 Introductory Topics in Math Sept. 3 – Oct. 18, 2024
    MAT-121-01 Precalculus Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MAT-121-02 Precalculus Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MAT-123-01 Elementary Statistics Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MAT-123-02 Elementary Statistics Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MAT-123-03 Elementary Statistics Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MAT-136-01 Math for the Health Sci Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MAT-136-02 Math for the Health Sci Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MAT-151-01 Calculus I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MAT-251-01 Calculus III Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MAT-253-01 Linear Algebra Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MAT-800-01 Mathematics Modules Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MBW-120-01 Therapeutic Massage II Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MBW-120L-01 Therapeutic Massage II Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MBW-129-01 Therapeutic Massage Pract II Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MBW-129C-01 Therapeutic Massage II Clinic Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MBW-129C-02 Therapeutic Massage II Clinic Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MBW-131-01 Therapeutic Massage Seminar Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MUS-101-01 Applied Music I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MUS-102-01 Applied Music II Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MUS-106-01 Fundamentals of Music Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MUS-110-01 American Popular Music Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MUS-113-01 Ensemble I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MUS-114-01 Performance Seminar Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MUS-132-01 Recording Technology - SONAR Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MUS-143-01 Ensemble II Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MUS-201-01 Applied Music III Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MUS-202-01 Applied Music IV Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MUS-213-01 Ensemble III Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    MUS-243-01 Ensemble IV Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-101-01 Physical/Mental Health I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-101C-01 Phys/Mental Health I Clinical Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-101C-02 Phys/Mental Health I Clinical Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-101C-03 Phys/Mental Health I Clinical Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-101C-04 Phys/Mental Health I Clinical Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-101C-05 Phys/Mental Health I Clinical Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-101C-06 Phys/Mental Health I Clinical Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-101C-07 Phys/Mental Health I Clinical Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-101C-08 Phys/Mental Health I Clinical Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-101C-09 Phys/Mental Health I Clinical Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-101L-01 Physical/Mental Health I Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-101L-02 Physical/Mental Health I Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-101L-03 Physical/Mental Health I Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-101L-04 Physical/Mental Health I Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-101L-05 Physical/Mental Health I Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-101L-06 Physical/Mental Health I Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-102-01 Physical/Mental Health II Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-102L-01 Physical/Mental Health II Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-102L-02 Physical/Mental Health II Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-102L-03 Physical/Mental Health II Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-102L-04 Physical/Mental Health II Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-102L-05 Physical/Mental Health II Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-102L-06 Physical/Mental Health II Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-102L-07 Physical/Mental Health II Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-201-01 Physical/Mental Health III Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-201L-01 Physical/Mental Health III Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-201L-02 Physical/Mental Health III Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-201L-03 Physical/Mental Health III Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-201L-04 Physical/Mental Health III Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-201L-05 Physical/Mental Health III Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-201L-06 Physical/Mental Health III Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-201L-07 Physical/Mental Health III Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-202-01 Physical/Mental Health IV Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-202L-01 Physical/Mental Health IV Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-202L-02 Physical/Mental Health IV Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-202L-03 Physical/Mental Health IV Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-202L-04 Physical/Mental Health IV Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-202L-05 Physical/Mental Health IV Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-202L-06 Physical/Mental Health IV Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    NUR-206-01 Nursing in Transition Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PED-154-01 Group Fitness Instruction Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PED-154L-01 Group Fitness Instruction Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PHL-102-01 Intro to Philosophy Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PHY-111-01 Ideas of Physics Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PHY-111A-01 Ideas of Physics Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PHY-111L-01 Ideas of Physics Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PSY-103-01 Understand and Respond to Trauma Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PSY-107-01 Introductory Psychology Sept. 16 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PSY-107-02 Introductory Psychology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PSY-107-03 Introductory Psychology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PSY-107-04 Introductory Psychology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PSY-107-05 Introductory Psychology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PSY-107-07 Introductory Psychology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PSY-107-08 Introductory Psychology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PSY-107-09 Introductory Psychology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PSY-107H-06 Honors: Intro Psychology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PSY-122-01 Women and Self-Esteem Sept. 3 – 10/8/2024
    PSY-127-01 Developing Resiliency Oct. 9 – Nov. 13, 2024
    PSY-204-01 Human Growth and Develop Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PSY-204-02 Human Growth and Develop Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PSY-204-03 Human Growth and Develop Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PSY-207-01 Social Psychology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PSY-208-01 Interviewing and Counsel Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PSY-215-01 Psychology of War Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PTA-102-01 Structural Anatomy Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PTA-102L-01 Structural Anatomy Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PTA-103-01 Intro to Physical Therapy Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PTA-103L-01 Intro Physical Therapy Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    PTA-200-01 Rehab Neurology Sept. 3 – Nov. 9, 2024
    PTA-200L-01 Rehab Neurology Lab Sept. 3 – Nov. 9, 2024
    PTA-204-01 Therapeutic Exercise Sept. 3 – Nov. 9, 2024
    PTA-204L-01 Therapeutic Exercise Lab Sept. 3 – Nov. 9, 2024
    PTA-250-01 Clinical Education II Nov. 11 – Dec. 20, 2024
    RSP-105-01 Respiratory Care I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    RSP-105L-01 Respiratory Care I Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    RSP-105L-02 Respiratory Care I Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    SCI-114-01 Intro to Forensic Science Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    SCI-114L-01 Intro to Forensic Science Lab Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    SOC-105-01 Introductory Sociology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    SOC-105-02 Introductory Sociology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    SOC-105-03 Introductory Sociology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    SOC-105-04 Introductory Sociology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    SOC-105-05 Introductory Sociology Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    SOC-136-01 Sociology of the Family Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    SOC-232-01 Social Class Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    SOC-236-01 The Sociology of Globalization Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    SPA-101-01 Introductory Spanish I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    THR-101-01 Intro to the Theatre Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    THR-102-01 Stagecraft I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    THR-104-01 Acting I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    THR-106-01 Fundamentals of Theatre Design Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    THR-111-01 History of Theatre and Drama I Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    THR-198-01 Theatre Practicum Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    THR-199-01 Theatre Practicum Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    THR-205-01 Directing Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    THR-298-01 Theatre Practicum Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024
    THR-299-01 Theatre Practicum Sept. 3 – Dec. 19, 2024