Strategic Planning and Appreciative Inquiry

Home Phase 1 – Define Phase 2 – Discovery Phase 3 – Dream Phase 4 – Design Phase 5 – Deliver

»Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ employees holding a Habitat for Humanity sign

Phase 2 – Discovery

During this phase, the College's Strategic Planning process included deeper investigation of the institution's Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results. In addition, the College engaged with members of the surrounding community such as education institutions (K – 12 and four-year), social service organizations, business partners (finance, health, hospitality, economic development, etc.) and more.

SOAR framework is a strategic planning tool (similar to SWOT) used to engage stakeholder in strategic conversations. The acronym represents Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results. Strengths and opportunities focus on the present, whereas aspirations and results focus on our desired future.

Graphic of »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ SOAR Activity Framework: future, present, internal, external, »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ core
Phase 2 - Discovery: The best of what is. Strengths.

Caption: Phase 2 - Discovery, The best of what is. Strengths.